Katherine Gorman makes complex ideas accessible. As the Executive Producer for Collective Next she helps groups to communicate about the issues that matter to them. She specializes in digital mediums with a focus on podcasting and digital information curation. She is a subject matter expert on communication in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. She is also the founding Executive Producer and co-host of the machine intelligence podcast, Talking Machines. She has served as press co-chair for both the Neural Information Processing Systems Conference and the International Conference on Machine Learning


Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, 2004-2008 University of Michigan 

Professional Experience

Executive Producer, January 2016 - Present

Collective Next, LLC

Collective Next, LLC is a consulting alternative that specializes in design and creative inventions that spark the imagination. Through the power of collaboration we empower our clients to be creative, especially in the areas of design, strategy, communication and execution. Our overall goal is to propel our customers to find ways of helping their organizations move forward.


Small Design Firm

Project manger and team organizer for a group of developers and architects specializing in digital information activation in physical spaces. Lead by David Small of the MIT Media Lab. Organized efforts around the Boston Public Library project.

Founder, Creative Director, April 2014 - Present

Tote Bag Productions

Founder and creative director of a full service podcast production company. Working with clients to take ideas all the way through to full production. Worked with leadership at start up Whetlab to create the hit podcast “Talking Machines”.

Associate Producer, August 2012 - April 2014

NPR’s “Here and Now”

Part of the team of producers, hosts, and engineers that produces NPR’s daily mid-day news magazine show, “Here and Now”, the first collaboration between NPR and a member station to create flagship daily news programming.

Producer, June 2008 - August 2012

WYPR’s “Maryland Morning”

Producer for the station’s regional news magazine, “Maryland Morning with Sheilah Kast”, covering a variety of topics with special attention on science, gender issues and military beats. Also served as fill-in local host, director and engineer for broadcasts of “Morning Edition” and “Maryland Morning”. Created a website and a social media presence for the show which is now a mandatory part of daily production. Independently created a four part series on the lives of women in American military service.

Apprenticeship, April 2006 - May 2008

Michigan Radio (Now Michigan Public)

Produced for “The Jack Lessenberry Show,” local broadcasts of “Morning Edition” as well as in Michigan Radio’s newsroom. Reported, voiced and edited a three minute feature report on the mortgage foreclosure crisis which was part of an award winning series that aired during “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered”.


Professional Service and Outreach

Press Chair, ICML 2025

Co-Press Chair, ICML 2024

Co-Press Chair, NeurIPS 2020

Co-Press Chair, NeurIPS, 2019

Communications Advisor to the Board, ICLR 2019

Co-Press Chair, ICML, 2019

Co-Press Chair, NeurIPS, 2018

Co-Press Chair, ICML , 2018

Co-Press Chair, NeurIPS , 2017

Press and Media Consultant, AAAI, 2017

Selected Appearances and Workshops

Moderator and Curator for Heidelberg Laureate Forum’s Hot Topic: Deep Learning, 2022

NeurIPS EXPO MC, 2019

ODSC West Keynote MC, 2019

Invited Speaker, Duke Undergraduate Machine Learning Day, 2019

Moderator for the Swift Institute AI Conference, 2019

Speaker IBM Think, 2019: Preparing Industry and Society for AI

Broad Institute MIA speaker series, 2019: Inviter Speaker and Workshop: Communicating and Collaborating around AI

WiML Boston @ IBM: Understanding the Public AI Conversation and Communicating your research

Host for Uber’s What Moves Us Series, 2018

Brown University Invited Seminar, 2018: Science Communication in AI

Duke University Invited Seminar, 2018: Science Communication in AI

Women in Machine Learning 2018: Invited Mentor, Science Communication

NeurIPS 2018: Invited Mentor, Science Communication

DARPA IARPA Intrinsically Motivated Artificial Intelligence (IMAI) Workshop Invited Expert, 2018

Royal Society and American Academy of Arts and Sciences Technology and the Future of Work Symposium Invited Participant, 2018

ODSC East Keynote MC, 2018

ODSC West Keynote MC, 2018

NeurIPS 2018 Organizer and Presenter Science Communication Workshop

Host and Curator TedX Boston, 2017

Women in Machine Learning 2017: Invited Mentor, Science Communication

Host and Curator TedX Boston, 2016

Women In Machine Learning 2016: Organizer and Presenter: Communicating Your Research

DALI Conference 2016 Presenter: How to Squash the Hype, Communicating about the Reality of Research

MEGAPOLIS contributor, 2014


Participant, NIH, 2011 Medicine in the Media Training

Regional Director for Megapolis, 2010, Baltimore

Society of Professional Journalists, 2009, Young Reporters Institute

Head Page for Senate Democrats, Jan-Jun 2003 as a page for Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)